This is if you would like to have your crystal do something specific. Your crystal will do for you what it is supposed to even if you don't do this.
I personally like to give some of them a job. Then they will 100% do just that. You may want to put two or three intentions on a crystal. This is a personal choice, For me I just do the one intention. Maybe make a note on a piece of paper or a journal of what your intention is, so you don't forget.
This is what I say - you can say what you prefer, and change up the wording to fit you and your crystals. As you do this, have your crystal cupped in your hands. As you remove energies and/or intentions - blow out to the universe. Do the same when you put your energies/intentions on the crystal.
GOD, Angels, Spirit Guides Please remove any and all energies/intentions from this crystal. (blow on your cupped hands)
GOD, Angels, Spirit Guides - Please have this crystal - say your intention - (blow on your cupped hands)
You can change your intention at anytime by following the above or leave your intention the same.